Amdo Sari sarjom daare sakam saon re, Mohein yenam thope baha daar dugi chot re ! Sagun fagun hemal reyal hisid hisid hoy re, Mohok Mohkao yenam baha nowa dharti tala re !! Neota giram bheja ke aa chene chiprun garh re, Sarshaoyena aans luti terom,uru bhawanr mon re !!! Sores sondhal sotaam aamah genej geser baha re, Nirol niray haryal sakam amah biyond boyond dare re !!!! Chiya chinhao ledmeko adim sarawna bir gajad re, Tengen ledko "dhorom" amah gomhel daare butare !!!!!.. Amdo Sari sarjom daare sakam saon re, Mohein yenam thope baha daar dugi chot re !!!!!
Written By :- Aans Aman Tudu From :- Bahalda, Orissa, India
About the author
I am Mahendra Hansdah, our house is located in Mahanpur village under Khunta block of Mayurbhanj district, I have been collecting Santali Shayari and our Santali culture, Santali caste and religion from social media websites for 10 to 12 years.
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